Aging, Lifestyle, Psychology

Retire? From What?

My story of recalibration might be your story too.

Jane Trombley
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Breaking news: even after retirement, there are sticks to fetch.

Life’s “work” doesn’t end with the last paycheck, with signing on to Medicare, or the dismantling of career infrastructure.

The work of Life continues until, well, you know, it doesn’t.

During the year or so following whatever you did to earn a living, the workload will likely increase as you recalibrate your Life.

It’s anything but kicking back; it’s a shift.

You’re not retiring; you’re recalibrating as you create a new identity.

The shift can start with a big jolt

In early 2016, I realized that my being fired (euphemistically “downsized”) at age 67 triggered my shift.

I wasn’t ready for the promised land of retirement. I had no interest, so I had no plan. I also had no choice.

I couldn’t use the word or think of myself as “in retirement.” In my head, I was recalibrating. Denial does strange things to your brain.

I have been single for 25 years, so this recalibration was a solo act. There was no shared…



Jane Trombley
Crow’s Feet

A pan-curious essayist working out what to do with "my one wild and precious life." Nicheless by design."