Retirement: Life’s Disjointed Subplot

Thoughts about turning destination into activity and embracing your retirement as an outrageous late-life-engager

Jay Squires
Crow’s Feet


Almost 11 years ago, on June 1st, 2013, I officially joined the ranks of the retired.

Three days prior, I had posted a blog entitled, “Office Reflections While Waiting for the Phone to Ring,” which detailed my final days. I’ll spare the reader all but the blog’s ending, which I feel connects with the theme of this post. To give you a sense of continuity, though, I’ll summarize the omitted part.

For 30-some years, I sat in the same chair behind the same desk, watching the cars whiz up and down the street that fronted my Allstate Insurance office. Over time, I’d witnessed a barren field sprout into an apartment complex whose buildings now blocked the view I once had of a distant grove of trees.

The first three paragraphs of that post were reflective, and nostalgic, and captured the accurate snapshot of one who had never been quite in his element as an insurance agent, manning his office, for roughly 7,800 days, waiting for the phone to ring.

And now for the finish:

You may wonder what difference any of this makes anyway: the cars, the fields, the trees, the hidden…



Jay Squires
Crow’s Feet

I AM an AUTHOR, salesman, optimist, dreamer: May the four always COHABIT & produce wondrous progeny. IN THE SWIRLING POOL OF LIFE, I'm an unflushable floater.