Sad and Old? Hopefully Not

Trying not to let fear of aging badly get in the way of living well while you can.

Catherine Oceano
Crow’s Feet


Venice. Photo by the author.

It’s a dilemma of our western society that we are told to save for retirement, be responsible and not stop working until there is enough for some prescribed way in which to live once you do.

There are all kinds of measurements available to tell how much you will need. I’ve stopped looking at them because they all tell me that I will not be able to survive. In addition, there are many who say you should be prepared to fund yourself in a nursing home because you don’t want to have to depend on the non-profit/charity/government-funded ones. I know folks who have lots of money set aside for those days with real fear they will end up stuck in some sad place alone and with poor personal and health care as they die. Obviously that is not where I would like to end up but, since the alternative, that of funding expensive private care, does not exist for me, it’s a moot point.

My kids have assured me that they will not let that happen anyway. Several have offered to house us in our dotage. That may change, I know. It’s a nice offer though.

My biggest fear is that my partner and I would get separated and spend our last years living apart as sometimes happens. But I have worked very hard not to…



Catherine Oceano
Crow’s Feet

old but not dead, mother, partner, grandmother, writer, Canadian Become a Medium member and support great writers like me.