Safeguard Your Mind: Practical Steps To Lower Dementia Risk

Nurturing your mental garden-the power of everyday choices

Sam Letterwood
Crow’s Feet
3 min readOct 26, 2023


Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Consider your brain as a precious garden, each memory and thought a vibrant bloom.

One in every five adults over 65 faces the challenge of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a subtle decline that can shadow these blooms.

But fear not, for amidst this challenge, there’s a roadmap to safeguarding your mental garden. Let’s embark on a journey through practical steps and wisdom, nurturing the soil of your mind for a flourishing future.

Guardians of the Mind: Managing blood pressure, cholesterol, & blood sugar

Just as a vigilant guard protects a castle, managing your blood pressure shields your brain from the onslaught of vascular dementia. Think of it as ensuring smooth traffic flow on the neural highways, preventing jams that hinder your thoughts.

Similarly, controlling cholesterol levels acts like clearing debris from these roads, ensuring your mind’s pathways remain unblocked. And when it comes to blood sugar, visualize it as the delicate balance in a chef’s recipe, where too much or too little alters the taste — in this case, the taste of a healthy mind. Be cautioned and be aware!

The Dance of Activity & Nutrition: Staying active & eating right

Your body and mind are dance partners, each step influencing the other.

Consider physical activity as a joyful dance, keeping both heart and mind in rhythm.

When you move, you’re not just toning your muscles; you’re nourishing your brain.

Now, think of your brain as a gourmet chef’s masterpiece, deserving of the finest ingredients. The DASH, Mediterranean, and MIND diets? They’re not just plans; they’re recipes for cognitive health, each ingredient chosen to slow the aging dance of your mind. A better idea is to comply.

Shedding Burdens: Weight, smoking, & alcohol

Visualize your mind as a delicate balloon; excess weight, like a heavy burden, tethers it down. Shedding those extra pounds isn’t just about appearances; it’s about allowing your mind to soar freely.

Now, consider smoking — a smokescreen that clouds your mental clarity. Quitting? It’s like parting the curtains, letting the sunshine in. As for alcohol, moderation is the key. It’s a bit like adding spice to a dish; a dash enhances the flavor, but too much ruins the recipe.

The Importance of Rest & Connections: Sleep, socializing, & learning

Sleep is a healing potion, a magic elixir that restores your mind while you dream.

Without it, your mental garden withers.

Now, think of social connections as rain showers, nourishing your brain garden.


It’s like a drought, stunting the growth of your mental blooms.

Lastly, education is the sunlight that helps your mental garden thrive. Each lesson learned, is a ray of sunshine, adding to the reserves of your cognitive reserve. Learning is a life-long exercise.

Cultivating a vibrant mind through everyday choices

In the silky fabric of life, our minds are the most delicate yet resilient threads.

Through simple choices — managing health, embracing activity, and fostering connections — we nurture the very essence of who we are. By tending to our minds as we would to a cherished garden, we unlock the potential for a rich, vibrant life. Remember, every mindful step, every nutritious bite, and every good night’s sleep is a loving gesture toward a sharper, brighter mind.

That’s the minimum we can do for our beloved mind, cannot we?



Sam Letterwood
Crow’s Feet

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner