Crow’s Feet Prompt #69 - Halloween


All Hallows’ Eve

Ann Litts
Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age
3 min readOct 29, 2024


Photo credit: Bee Felten-Leidel on Unsplash

Some time ago, I turned away from my traditional Catholic upbringing and embraced a personal spirituality. I’ve joked that I identify as a Buddhist Witch — but truly that is as close to a description of my spiritual journey as I can come up with.

But even though I left The Church, some things remain from that era of my life. For instance, All Saints’ Day — a day of holy obligation on November 1. It is just one of the ways the early Church blended traditional pagan holidays into its calendar to entice the masses to join up. Because October 31 — All Hallows’ Eve — The Witch’s New Year — the day the veil between the worlds thins — has always been a very sacred celebration.

And Christians turned that sacred celebration into a children’s festival with a nod to All. The. Saints. on the day after. Just in case the pagans had it right and the dead came to call, The Church covered all the bases.

I never had much of a sweet tooth. When I was a kid, Halloween was about more than just conning my neighbors out of candy. I loved the idea that for one night every year, I could be anyone, anything I wanted to be. As I was born in 1959 — options like that for girls were few and far between. We couldn’t even wear pants to school until I was in 6th grade. So…



Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age
Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age

Published in Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age

“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” (Frank Lloyd Wright) Non-fiction pieces, personal essays and occasional poems that explore how we feel about how we age and offer tips for getting the most out of life.

Ann Litts
Ann Litts

Written by Ann Litts

Self discovery in progress, stay tuned

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