SEE? I told you so.

I’m cruising on the gloatboat. But beware: there’s a very ugly undercurrent.

Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Dear Reader: if you know my work, you know I like to take doglegs. Fair warning, one is ahead. Keep the rudder at the ready.

There are damned few things that feel better (okay, other than orgasms and skydiving and horse riding) than finding out you’re right.

Not only that but that the veracity of your hunch turned out to be valid through research by scientists.

Which, of course, for those who choose to continue to disagree with me on this particular piece, will utterly disavow, because, well, we only quote science which backs us up. Right?

Such as scientific toadies hired by the Grand Orange Toadie himself, soon to be ousted, who will tell the American people that Covid is a hoax, masks don’t work and if you wear one you’re a pussy. At which point the Grand Master Orange Toadie will grab yours, but then, he did that to the Statue of Liberty already. Half this country has such crotch stains.

But I digress.

This is a love letter to my fellow grey hairs.

While the following does not of course apply to all of us, it is generally true. Given our longer life spans, and the simple…



Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.