Seniors, What You Don’t Know About Cybersecurity Will Scare the Crap Out of You

A quick look at the dark underbelly of the internet

Lee J. Bentch
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2022


Photo by Kamil Feczko on Unsplash

Cybersecurity attacks are increasing. The global numbers are staggering, and there is no end in sight.

With the holiday season upon us, the amount of online shopping and financial transactions is enormous, but so is the hidden risk of becoming a victim of online fraud.

Hackers have taken a relentless approach to penetrate secured networks, along with corporate, educational, and personal devices, stopping at nothing until their objectives are met. Their tactics are profound and constantly changing. Whether their objective is access to technical, proprietary, or consumer information, hacking private and public networks is an invasion of privacy and illegal.

We hear about the attacks that have significant effects or, by federal regulation, are required to disclose the attack details. The attacks we don’t hear about are the ones that are blocked and thwarted by security teams and defensive software.

These statistics paint a significant scenario:

  • It is estimated that 64% of all companies worldwide have experienced an attack.
  • Email is responsible for spreading 94% of all malware.



Lee J. Bentch
Crow’s Feet

I am an author, a technology guy, a grandad, a widower, and a man with many interests. I write to inform and entertain. Email: