Showing Up, Not Slowing Down. 74-Year-Old Cara Lee Reveals Her Secret.

Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2021


Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

I love it when a commenter does all the work.

Cara Lee wrote me a lovely bit on a recent thread and it was so good, well here, with her permission. It speaks for itself:

Great article! Still — so many people, especially women, totally believe they can’t get into shape after the age of 50. Nonsense, as you point out, as well as my own experience along the way. The idea of resistance training appeared on my radar while I was still in my mid-20s at a time when virtually no woman was even doing this, of any age let alone older. Then I got into it much more in my early 30s when I connected with a trainer at a small gym here in SF back in the early 80s and trained with him for a year and a half. He was ahead of his time with many of his techniques and I learned a lot at the time, even going for a small competition and local appearance. Yes — the preparation for such IS challenging and yes, TREATS afterward;) I’m 74 now and in lots better health and ability than many people my age as a result of keeping up something in the resistance training department. With no gym I still kept up something, so no excuses here!:) What I find depressing is that the demographic that stands to benefit the most from such training, is the LEAST likely to do it:( As far as the building of muscle



Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet

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