Spring Has Sprung…..A Leak

What’s so great about April?

David Martin
Crow’s Feet
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2021


Photo by John Nzoka on Unsplash

Spring is here and to hear poets tell it, it’s a heavenly season filled with endless delights. From Shakespeare to Wordsworth, the bards can’t seem to get enough of this supposedly wonderful time of the year.

As for me, fuggedaboutit. Spring may have sprung in my neck of the woods but, as far as I’m concerned, the only thing it has sprung is a giant leak.

Maybe it’s because I’m not a poet. Or maybe it’s because, unlike most poets, I actually own a house and have a never-ending list of chores that must be attended to.

Like most people, by early March, I’ve definitely had my fill of winter and am restless to experience some warmer weather. I relish the thought of leaving the house in sneakers and one layer of clothing and to finally feel a touch of sun on my face.

But no sooner do I indulge in this seasonal fantasy than the reality of spring rears its ugly head. Instead of lounging in the backyard with a book and a cool drink, I am sucked into a series of expected and unexpected tasks.

Like some modern Hercules cleaning out the Augean stables, my future looks dirty, smelly and endless. No running through fields enjoying primrose tufts and cleft swallows, whatever the hell…



David Martin
Crow’s Feet

Wordsmith, humorist and author of “Dare to be Average” on Amazon. Support Dave’s writing by joining Medium: