Surprise, Surprise from Social Security

Bet you didn’t know this about Social Security!

Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet


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In October 2023, I received my normal monthly retirement deposit. But a few days later, I received another direct deposit of just over $400 from Social Security. Both my wife and I figured it was one of those mistakes that Social Security has been making, and soon, they would ask for it back.

Then, last week, I received a letter from Social Security. Before I opened it, I was sure it was a request to return the money. Imagine my surprise when I read that it was rightfully mine, along with an explanation. But there was an even bigger surprise included!

Choosing to Take Social Security Retirement

Because I did not do a good job of saving for retirement, my goal was to put off taking Social Security retirement until I turned 70 years old. That way, not only would get the largest possible benefit, but if I predeceased my wife, she would receive the larger benefit.

However, approaching my sixty-ninth birthday in 2022, I called the local Social Security office and asked what my benefit would be if I took it then versus waiting one more year at age 70.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before making any decisions about taking Social Security, call them and get the



Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet

Sort of retired. I am obsessed with happiness. As I write the last chapter of the story of my life, I want to share ideas on being happy.