
T-Minus Four Years Until My First Part of Retirement

Are you ever fully prepared?

Dan Hanley
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2024


Author on a hike at Pichacho Peak State Park in Arizona. Photo credit: Author

Retirement is always somewhere in my thoughts.

Some days it’s number one, others a close second.

I’m 58 and doing (most of the time) everything I can to be ready to slowly start retirement at age 62.

By that I mean be financially ready to work less. I started working less back in 2019 when I left my last job and created my nonprofit fundraising and recruiting consultancy.

The goal was to grow it so I when I partially retire at 62, I would have a couple of clients to work with and keep cash coming in.

I hit that goal a lot sooner than I thought I would. Altrui took off, and it’s allowed me to save even more for retirement while working with amazing nonprofit clients, which doesn’t even feel like work.

I want to offer a shout out to those of you on Medium who share stories of your retirement. Those who share about actions that really worked out for you once retiring, and especially those who share about actions that you wished you had done differently.

Learning from others already enjoying retirement has been helpful.



Dan Hanley
Crow’s Feet

I write about nonprofits, fundraising, recruiting, self-care. Human rights, domestic violence, borders, and refugee focused. Sober. Vegan.