Talk to Me When I’m Old

Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet
Published in
1 min readJun 2, 2019


A lifetime of humanity to share.

Photo: Cristian Newman via Unsplash

Talk to me like I’m not there,

And I will disappear.

Talk about me, in front of me, a piece of furniture,

And I will withdraw, resentful.

The glazed look in my eyes will be a shield

Against your stupidity.

I’m not deaf and I sure am not dumb.

I just can’t remember what I ate for breakfast.

Tell me a story and I will feel

The same passions you do.

My feelings have not evaporated

with my short-term memory.

I am living. I am alive.

Talk to me.

Read personal stories about aging at Crow’s Feet: Life as We Age.

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Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet

Journalist, editor, mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, adventurer, history-lover. Editor of Crow’s Feet