The Almanac Says Winter’s Back is Broken. Sounds Cruel to This Seventyish Woman.

Poor old winter barely gets started and people are wishing him ill health

Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet


Photo was taken by the author

I know I will regret all the mean things I said about Winter as soon as July hits Maine. I moved to Maine to escape the soggy summers of New Jersey. I hate the heat and humidity and can get behind a climate that is mostly mud and dampness and wood stove weather, as long as it's not hot for too long. I love it that you still have to run the wood stove into June and that sometimes there is a bit of freezing weather at the end of August. Of course, with climate change, the nature of the “normal” seasons are changing and I will be faced with the choice of getting over it or moving further north.

Anyway, this winter has been cold and bitterly so, at times. The snow has been pretty but there has been more ice than snow and I am hard-pressed to take even a ten-minute walk on our ice-covered driveway (see below) without fearing for my life, never mind walking the 800 feet through the cow pasture to our daughter’s house. I have been inside most of the time since Christmas. At this point, I am feeling just a tiny bit justified in wishing Winter’s back broken.

I have walked up and down and up and down our stairs, paced back and forth the 30-foot…



Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet

I've got my fingers in way too many pots. Cook, writer, poet, reader, musician, therapist, dreamer, a transplant from New Jersey suburbs to a farm in Maine.