The Best Things About Getting Old

Life gets better the older I get

Beth Bruno
Crow’s Feet


This is what life feels like to me right now. Photo by Maud Beauregard on Unsplash

If you’re getting old and you’re worried, just buckle up because you’re gonna love it. — Anne Lamott

Now that I am old, I lie in bed until 7:30. These days the sun is up before I am, and the birds are already in full-throated dawn chorus mode when I awaken. I smile when I open my eyes. Another day. I get to live another precious, beautiful day. I am astonished at my luck. Some days as I rise, I lift my arms and say “TaDa! I am here world! Let’s play!”

Life is good.

I am 62 years old. Not old old, but definitely old. And I don’t mind. I don’t mind being called old and I don’t mind feeling old sometimes. Being old is not something to be ashamed of. We either die young or we get old. I would rather get old. I still have lots of things to do before I check out. And thankfully, I am still able to do those things.

Many people fear old age, but if you don’t make a big deal out of it I think it goes better. My life is better today than it has ever been. That’s because getting old brings with it many advantages and so much freedom.

One of the best things about getting old is I don’t care what people think anymore. When I invite someone over, I tidy up, but I don’t go into all-out cleaning mania like I once did. I…



Beth Bruno
Crow’s Feet

Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.