The Dying Woman I Drove Past Today

Witnessing a battle for life in a strip mall parking lot

Jan M Flynn
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Olga Kononenko on Unsplash

We were heading home from a graduation party along a route we’ve driven a thousand times before, past gas stations, car repair shops, a supermarket with its satellite storefronts ranged around a yawning parking lot.

On the opposite corner is a drugstore, a deli, and a barbershop, their smaller parking lot separated from the street by a low berm planted with sparse grass and a few struggling shrubs.

It’s the kind of scenery you drive past without consciously registering it, a commercial landscape that remains invisible until you need to pop in to pick up a prescription. God willing, we’ll drive past it another thousand times.

But I’ll see it now. With today’s image forever superimposed on it.

Sometimes life reminds you that it’s playing for keeps

“So I could make that pasta with the roasted tomatoes,” I was saying to my husband, as I slowed in response to the brake lights blooming red in front of me. “Or we could do tacos again. Uh-oh.”

There were other red lights coming into view, flashing scarlet and blue from atop a firetruck. My lane was moving again, slowly, and as we drew alongside the drugstore I…



Jan M Flynn
Crow’s Feet

Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at