The Illusion of Spryness

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Craig Sidell
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

You may have experienced this aging phenomenon when the mind says “go” but the body whispers “no.”

It is the youthful spirit that resides within us, forever dancing to the rhythm of our memories. As time weaves its intricate tapestry, we come face-to-face with the stark truth that our bodies age, despite the illusion of spryness that lingers within our minds. It is a sad day when we discover that we’re not as nimble as we once believed.

The Myth of Fleet Feet: Racing with Shadows of the Past

Photo By Tony Barnbrook on Unsplash

In the realm of nostalgia, we often find ourselves chasing the shadows of our younger selves. We delve into the comical instances when the mind eagerly declares, “I can still move as fast as I did in my prime!” only to be rudely awakened by the body’s grumbling protests and the all-consuming back pain.

Whether attempting a spontaneous game of tag with your kids or grandkids or joining in on an impromptu dance-off, we pay the price of pain and humiliation when reality reminds us that time has indeed taken its toll.



Craig Sidell
Crow’s Feet

Craig Sidell grew up in Beantown, attended college in the City of Brotherly Love and currently resides in the Big Apple with his amazing wife and children.