The Perk of Retirement, Being Able to Contemplate Everything

I woke up and wondered, what shall I do today?

Catherine Oceano
Crow’s Feet


A black and white photo of an older woman lying on a bed. Just head and shoulders are showing
Selfie. Photo credit: Catherine Oceano, author

One of our kids when young had an expression he used when asked to do something he perhaps didn’t want to do. It was “I don’t feel like to,” meaning I don’t feel like it. We often still use his words the way one does when a young child has an amusing manner of saying something.

My youngest granddaughter who is two often says “Here you go” with a special intonation when she hands out imaginary cups of tea. We frequently use her inflection as we hand each other real things.

I was reminded of my son’s expression lately. I have come to recognize that one of my gifts is the choice of how my day unfolds. I will often ask myself if I really want to do a particular activity. If I don’t feel like it most of the time I can give it a miss. No thanks, I’d rather not I say to myself.

Should I defrost the fridge? Not today. Sort the laundry? Not right now. Take out the garbage? Leave it for later. Finish that boring course I started online? Maybe not. It was free. Low investment in money, time is mine to spend as I choose.

I’m wondering if these choices are making me lazy but that can’t be true. I’m busy. The days are full. I rarely read a book in the daytime. That is something…



Catherine Oceano
Crow’s Feet

old but not dead, mother, partner, grandmother, writer, Canadian Become a Medium member and support great writers like me.