The Power of a Personal Retreat

How one night to myself gave me new life.

Denise Vitola
Crow’s Feet


It was the incredulous reactions of my loved ones that clued me in that I was about to do something unusual.

My husband: “Wait, you want to spend the night away? Alone??”

My best friend: “But…what are you going to do exactly?”

My son: “Mommy, why do you want to be all by yourself?”

I was coming up on my 45th birthday and couldn’t think of anything I wanted more than sweet, sweet solitude. As an introvert always surrounded by people (including my extremely talkative 6-year-old), my batteries desperately needed a recharge.

I hit on the idea after reading Gift from the Sea, Anne Morrow Lindberghs’s classic book of meditations on womanhood, written during her own personal retreat at a beach house in the 1950s.

As she wrote:

Women need solitude in order to find again the true essence of themselves.

Somehow amid all the pressures of being a wife and working mother — not to mention chief cook and bottle washer — I had lost the essence of myself. I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t connect with my inner voice. I needed silence, and space, and I needed it now.



Denise Vitola
Crow’s Feet

Writer, reader, lifelong rebel. Learning things the hard way since 1963.