The Retirement Truth That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Unstructured time is the Groundhog Day of aging

Jean Campbell
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Diana Parkhouse on Unsplash

I have too many small projects and volunteer gigs.

I literally volunteered for them, so if you shout:

“You have no one else to blame!”

You would not be wrong — but hear me out, because although nobody forced me to sign up for six church volunteer “opportunities,” I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling incompetent at slaying the retirement dragon.

She with fiery breath and scales, who flies overhead like a storm cloud, is named Unstructured Time.

At first, I was thrilled I didn’t have to report to a full-time job. I was burnt out, and ill-suited for my last foray into Career Land, high school teaching.

I don’t look back on my three mini-careers with a sense of deep satisfaction. I don’t miss waking up too early and rushing out of the house with a coffee in one hand and a purse-cum-tote bag in the other.

I’m just glad it’s over.

The beast that stalked me when I worked is still on my heels — I was never a nimble juggler and a multi-tasking whiz.

My essential problem lies at the intersection of three lacks: a lack of focus, a lack of purpose…



Jean Campbell
Crow’s Feet

Writer by day, reader by night, napper by afternoon.