The Truth About That Annuity Bonus

Why you should never base your decision on the bonus.

Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet


Canva Pro Royalty-Free

If you have talked to an insurance agent about annuities, you have undoubtedly been shown at least one annuity with a bonus.

Typically, the insurance company offers to pay you a bonus on your annuity premium of somewhere between 5% and 20%. That means that if you buy an annuity with $100,000 and the insurance company gives you a 10% bonus, you immediately have $110,000 in your annuity.

How great is that? You get an immediate 10% boost on the money that is working for you.

Before you get too excited, there is much more to know about that bonus.

Example #1

In example #1, I looked at a company with both a bonus version and a non-bonus version of the same annuity.

Look at the Guarantees

Most people do not realize that the insurance company offering the annuity with a bonus probably offers the same annuity without the bonus. And comparing the two can be eye-opening.

The first thing to look at is the guaranteed returns. Look at the guaranteed values in years ten and fifteen.

I ran two proposals for a male age 70 living in Arizona purchasing a $100,000…



Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet

Sort of retired. I am obsessed with happiness. As I write the last chapter of the story of my life, I want to share ideas on being happy.