The Wisdom of the Young

Supporting the new generations

ZD Finn
Crow’s Feet


Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Bear with me here. I write as someone who has been a hard core sceptic, attached to rational and scientific explanations, and whose mother used spirituality as a bypass for the difficulties of life. But, yes, I am a convert and know that some language and concepts of the new Age, and its spiritual advocates, are nebulous, open to interpretation and without any palpable proof. I do my best to avoid magical thinking and absolutely avoid teaching or preaching, so if I slip in the next few paragraphs, please forgive me.

There is a growing body of young people who, I believe, need our recognition and support. Although they may have given themselves a name such as Generation X, y, or Z, you will know the young people I am speaking of. They will be within your family, community and taking on more responsible and public roles as they mature.

These young people have wisdom beyond their years, their wise eyes shine when you engage with them and when they are recognised for who they are.

Many have special needs and struggle within the institutions designed to educate and support them. They seem to be directed by an inner knowing for which they have no explanation. They have quiet interests and passions which absorb them, and they can be difficult to manage when they are expected to conform to the status quo.

One of the universal features is their ability to love and to feel passionately, often about the destruction of our natural world. Some may well be creative and inspired inventors of solutions that challenge our established ways of thinking and require a degree of belief and a suspension of disbelief from their elders, educators, and funders.

Many will see colours, perhaps images of people who have passed, hear voices or live their lives with a rich inner landscape that they separate off from the normal hustle and bustle of life. They may be very sensitive to noise, sensations and react strongly in the presence of others.

I cannot possibly describe all of their possible characteristics because they are so individual, but perhaps the one universal aspect is their innate sense of knowing, or being driven by something unseen and out of this world. Some might refer to them as ‘old souls’. You will know them in your hearts and may even be concerned for their future.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Why am I writing this? Because they need your support and to be recognised. I believe there are a critical number of people who incarnating at this particular time, and for the last forty years, who have a specific mission which is to wake up humanity to the purpose of life itself. To remind us all of the true purpose of life, which, put simply, is to come to know and share love.

I don’t know if you would agree that change is urgently needed across the world, that collectively we are living unsustainable lives, destroying our planet, fomenting conflict and putting future generations at risk. Every person is entitled to their viewpoint and mine is that a sustainable life is one of purpose, balance, harmony with nature and with humanity as a whole.

That, for me, embraces diversity and individuality of purpose and meaning, but it also means doing no harm and ensuring equal access to the natural resources of this globe. I believe there is enough for everyone if we take what we need, not what we want.

Now, I am in my seventies and not one to preach. I have to struggle with greed and desire like everyone else, but I am also trying to do what I can to support and encourage this generation to fulfil their mission.

I am embarrassed that I as an Elder have created the path of destruction and that I have ignorantly colluded with policies that have spread inequality and poverty. Poverty, not just of wealth, but of spiritual succour and gratitude for life itself.

Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

As I understand it, these young people who have such beauty within them come knowing they have a purpose. They are aided by access to their Higher Self, which is a collective of souls who have learned from past experience.

They were prophesied by the Mayans as the ‘Indigo Children’. I use the term ‘Children or Bearers of Light,’ but I suspect that were they to be asked, they would rather not be singled out at all. They see nothing abnormal in their attitude to life, and may already be struggling to deny some of their innate abilities in order to fit in.

So why am I writing this? To offer a little context for parents, grandparents, and educators who are marvelling at these children and perhaps feeling a little inadequate in knowing how to guide them.

I suppose I am suggesting they might be our guides, not the other way around, and that they are worth listening to and following. I know, for I have experienced it, that knowing how to best to support them can be challenging.

Perhaps if they know those close to them recognise and support them that although they may have to adapt to the status quo, that will not extinguish their inner wisdom.

Perhaps if they speak of colours, or sensations that are ‘other worldly’ explore those with them, as much as it might be uncomfortable for you, it would help them not to feel ashamed of their abilities and perhaps more confident in their mission.

In truth, I do not know, individuality is the key, and they will tell you if they feel safe. It may help for you to be aware that they have a collective mission, a mission I believe we are all depending on. An opportunity for the true purpose of life to reassert itself, for meaning and harmony to flourish, and for the inner light within us all to shine.

© ZD Finn 2023

More information on some of the terms used in this article available in my Lexicon @zdfinn

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, publishes her own inspired journals, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.



ZD Finn
Crow’s Feet

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor