There’s Nothing Like Waking up to the Sound of a Cat Throwing up

It’s even worse when you feel something wet and slimy on your feet

Ruby Lee
Crow’s Feet


Crow’s Feet prompt: pets

Tiger pic by Nicole

I heard “that” sound. One of the cats was gearing up to puke. The next thing I knew, I felt something wet and slimy land on my bare feet. Sadly, this morning was not the first time I had a surprise present from one of my cats. I have five, and they range in age from middle age to old, older, and oldest. There is a lot of throwing up around here. I just wish they would choose a place other than my bed or new chair to do it.

My cat population is joined by four dogs. Unfortunately, we’ve had a couple of our babies pass on in the last year. It was a painful enough experience to make me dread what is coming for the rest of my babies.

There is no telling how many pets I have had in my 63 years. It all started with the family pets when I was a small child. We had a dog named Trixie. She was part German Shepard/Collie.

One of our family stories involves Trixie and me. When I was a baby, I crawled down the street and almost reached the busy road leading to our local Air Force Base. Now, the distance I traveled would have been at least seven or eight houses away from where I lived. Even now, I…



Ruby Lee
Crow’s Feet

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor