This is Why I Take On New Sports Every Year After 60

Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet
Published in
8 min readJul 28, 2021


Since I turned 60 in 2013, a few new through lines have defined my life. Here is one of them.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash NOT ME

What on earth does it take to master something? Do I have to master anything? What does incremental progress look like? Should you and I take on new challenges as we age? After all, what’s the point?

With any luck I will give you a window on that. I’m a 68-year-old woman who happens to love adventure travel. Didn’t always do that. Nor did I always pick up new skills like kayaking or bungee jumping.

When I turned 60 I utterly retooled my life. I took up all kinds of sports, failed spectacularly at most of them and pressed on anyway. The “press on anyway” piece is precisely what gives me the gravitas to talk about this. People who are naturally gifted physically — that would be the men in my family and not me- often find that because they don’t have to work as hard, they can slide. That’s not always the case, but too often it is.

The flip side of that is societal conditioning. Particularly as we age, we can buy into the death spiral of “I’m just getting old.”

The author about to hang glide in Mendoza, Argentina. Julia Hubbel



Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.