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This Septuagenarian’s Need To Be Right… And Be Liked At The Same Time

Still struggling to avoid coming off as a pompous, self-righteous know-it-all.

Rand Bishop
Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age


Selfie taken by the Author on a recent trip to Hawaii

A former business partner once said this about me: “Rand isn’t always right. But he’s always sure he’s right.”

This remark didn’t come out of nowhere. A friendly jibe, yes. But it was also an honest observation about my character, informed by considerable mutual interaction.

Thus, what was intended as a snide remark helped me become more self-aware of my innate tendency to claim authority and come off as the kind of person I disdain … a pompous, self-righteous know-it-all.

Certainly, when I believe something to be true, I will more than likely stake out a strident posture in defense of that belief. Not exactly intransigent, hopefully not sanctimonious, but adamant … usually based on factual information. That’s my nature. And there’s little I can do about it. Perhaps, my being born under the sign of Virgo contributes to this propensity.

Come on, now! Can I possibly be faulted for having principles and speaking up for what I believe in?

It’s not that I’m unwilling to listen to another point of view. I’m actually genuinely interested in how and why people who think…



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