Three Weeks Into My New Life In France

I make another decision, sort of

Janice Macdonald
Crow’s Feet
Published in
5 min readMar 14, 2024


The cave was beginning to look less gloomy (all photos by author)

In the three weeks after Joe flew back to the States, I alternated between feeling completely bereft and alone in a foreign country to elated at the novelty of living in a foreign country, and back to alone and bereft.

Skyping was a lifeline — but the nine-hour time difference between France and my family and friends on America’s West Coast wasn’t good for spontaneous calls of the ‘I just need to hear a familiar voice’ variety. But even without the time difference, those weren’t the sort of calls I wanted to make.

Since I’d chosen to move to a foreign country, I felt the need to resolve whatever problems arose, rather than dumping the consequences of my decision on others. Even my most tolerant friends might not have been thrilled by wee-hour phone calls from weepy 68-year-old me. All alone in France and surprise, surprise, she’s feeling just a teeny bit blue and homesick.

I would dry my eyes and suffer, oh so bravely, in silence. With just the tiniest soupçon of self-pity.

During those early weeks, I’d get through difficult nights reading memoirs from others who had moved to France. One of them, Under the Ripening Sun, by Patricia Atkinson, managed…



Janice Macdonald
Crow’s Feet

At 68, I started a new chapter in my life: I moved to France. Alone. It turned out to be quite the page-turner. Still is — even when age insists on a part.