Time to Give Up Living in a Tiny Home

How unexpected medical issues made ours too close for comfort.

Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet


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I have enthusiastically praised living in a tiny home for most of the last two years. In our case, we went from a three-bedroom, two-bathroom, 1600-square-foot home to a small, one-bedroom, one-bathroom, 588-square-foot home in Arizona in August 2021.

At the time, it seemed like the perfect choice. Our plan was to live in Mexico and keep the Arizona home as a home base for the purpose of our Medicare Advantage Plan. We knew that we would return at least once per year and do our annual physicals, our dental care, and make a few family visits. Then we would return to Mexico.

Back in 2021, I was 68 years old, and we thought that we wouldn’t use the home for much more until we needed medical care. And needing that much medical care would not happen for at least ten or fifteen years. Or so we thought!

Surprise, Surprise!

The year 2022 was a bit of a wake-up call for us. First, my wife developed a chronic cough that would not go away. The doctors in Arizona could not diagnose the problem, but our doctor in Mexico diagnosed it quickly.

It turns out that a hiatal hernia was the cause of the cough. We decided to pay for surgery in Mexico, which was a fabulous…



Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet

Sort of retired. I am obsessed with happiness. As I write the last chapter of the story of my life, I want to share ideas on being happy.