Keeping up with tech
Tips for Mature Folks to Appear Tech Savvy
We know we aren’t, but we don’t need to broadcast that fact
It’s difficult.
We did not grow up with a laptop for homework and a cell phone attached to our hands like an extra appendage. We know how to use an encyclopedia, now an object associated with dinosaurs.
I get accustomed to a new operating system — and bam! There is an update, with another learning curve.
Sometimes, I want to just call out, “CUT US A BREAK!” when the techno-savvy teens roll their eyes.
How were we to know?
I have learned some tips from my grown kids I am all too happy to pass on to those of us who are older than the Internet.
Read and take notes — just not with a pen and paper. Try doing it via voice dictation into your Notes app on your phone to impress that younger set.
Earbuds are a MUST in public (and that includes the workplace)
At my place of employment, I hear one colleague viewing breast reduction surgery on YouTube as I attempt to work. (*We are not in healthcare.)