Two Years Retired: An Honest and Thoughtful Reflection

Demystifying big dreams and little fears. Insights into expenses, travel, activities, and what life after work is really like.

Brian Feutz
Crow’s Feet


Photo credit: Joran Quinten, Unsplash

I stared out the window on the morning of my first retirement day, sipped a cup of coffee, and wondered what the future would bring.

Like other retirees, I had big dreams and little fears, and no matter how much I planned — and I did plan a lot — retirement was still a giant amorphous blob of mystery.

Most of us consider retirement as the liminal moment that represents a bright line between our allegiance to others and our allegiance to ourselves. That day, for the very first time, I stood on my side of that line and admired the newfound freedom that looked back at me and asked:

“What do you wanna do today?”

A million things came to mind — too many to contemplate — so I took a walk, read a book, napped, and made dinner. There would be plenty of time to sift through it later.

For two years now I’ve fine-tuned my retirement skills and enjoyed the ride, the excitement, and the freedom. I’ve questioned myself and others, and now I’m in a position to answer your (unasked) questions about retirement life.



Brian Feutz
Crow’s Feet

6x Top Writer on Medium, Columnist at DiscoverWalks, Podcast Speaker. Topics: Retirement, Humor, Travel, Tech, Adventure, Fiction. Visit my blog: