Village Report

My first couple of months being a member of a Village

Jay Davidson
Crow’s Feet


view from the Lyon Street Steps, meeting point of a walk I took with Village members [photo by the author]

It was just two months ago that my partner and I joined our local San Francisco Village. Just in case you are not clear on the concept, this is the story that I posted about it here on Crow’s Feet:

Being a Village member has led me to having a couple of enjoyable months at several events and with dozens of other members. This is some of what I have experienced:

The staff

My first commentary is about the staff of people who are responsible for keeping our Village running.

I have found that every person working on the staff has been terrific; above all, very quick to respond to my many questions about how everything works. They are welcoming, friendly, and enthusiastic about their work.

Some activities I have attended

Our Village offers a huge number of activities! It’s very easy to get involved and to make connections with other people. From what I can see, it’s possible to be as involved as…



Jay Davidson
Crow’s Feet

Retired teacher (San Francisco, 1969–2003); Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Mauritania, 2003–2005); public speaker, artist, writer, traveler, world citizen