We Need To Make Our Final Wishes Known Before Our Time Comes

Our families will thank us for it, I promise

Ruby Lee
Crow’s Feet


My grandparents Bible pic by Leeanne Beasley Berry

Don’t be a “Mommy Dearest!”

Everyone should remember the big scandal between Joan Crawford and her oldest daughter Christina and remember how Christina was disinherited after Joan died. The wording in the will said that Christina would understand why. Christina said she didn’t. Of course, it resulted in a “tell-all” book.

Disagreements are inevitable in every family. Some families can resolve them quickly and move on. But, sometimes, they are never resolved, and bitterness splits the family apart.

When my mother knew that she was dying, she called all of us children together for a family meeting. She had a pad and pen and wanted to know which of her things we wished to inherit. She started with my oldest sister and went down to the youngest. Then she started over with the oldest to the youngest.

When we finished this tearful meeting, my mother had a list, and she duplicated it for the four of us. Her whole purpose was to keep us from fighting over things after she was gone.

I asked for the family Bible. Not my mother’s Bible but my grandmother’s Bible. I could tell by the look on my sibling’s faces that they hadn’t thought…



Ruby Lee
Crow’s Feet

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor