We Spend Half Our Lives Being Over 50

And other tales we tell ourselves.

Michele Coleman
Crow’s Feet


Face of young and old woman from Depositphotos

Just reading that statement makes me feel older.

I was reminded about this the other day, and it got me thinking:

Why doesn’t someone warn us!

What’s the deal? Did I not realize this before?

I did realize this before but chose to ignore it like the majority of us because I planned on being an ‘energetic,’ ‘youthful’ over-50 adult.

Well, someone forgot to tell my physiology. I’ve watched plenty of my friends turn 50 and just kept thinking that won’t be me with the bad back, gaining weight, letting gravity takes its toll on my midsection. After a decade of eating right and exercising, there’s no way!

As it turns out, it would be me whether I wanted it to be or not.

Even my partner, who’s seven years older, warned me to get my head right for what was to come; the weird body sounds, hair growing in places that hair has never grown before, and longing for naps when the only event of the day was going to brunch.

He hasn’t done the best job taking care of himself as he’s gotten older, but he was totally on the mark about being aware of what was approaching on the forefront.



Michele Coleman
Crow’s Feet

Freelance Writer + Author; Sharing a little wit and wisdom with moderate bite, back sass, resistance and sarcasm.