We Want to ‘BE’ Old but Not ‘GET’ Old!

How I feel about getting old.

Rhyena Halpern
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Ravi Patel on Unsplash

My first thought is to clarify that, no, that is not a picture of me above, despite the beauty I see in her. See what I mean about not wanting to ‘get’ old?

But let me say unequivocally that I do like ‘being’ older: I am in my mid-sixties and am absolutely, positively amazed by how much more joy I experience in my life in these years! Who knew?

Sure, there are some downsides to aging: I am not wild about all the sun damage spots and wrinkles. Sometimes, I am at a complete loss to remember the names- of people, books, movies. I am guilty of rereading a book for quite a few pages before I realize I have already read it. I am much less adamant about lifting heavy boxes by myself.

All in all, these minor inconveniences are a small price to pay for what I get in exchange!

Here are some of the perks of getting old in descending order. I wonder which ones surprise or resonate with you?

Improved wellness — My health has improved after decades of persevering healing my chronic neck, hip, and back pain, autoimmune thyroid disease, headaches, and hormonal imbalance. Miraculously, after a lifetime of struggle, I have given up the war with my body’s weight and feel good in my skin.



Rhyena Halpern
Crow’s Feet

Proud member of 60+ women who are having the best sex of their lives club. Writes on Sex & Relationships, Wellness, Healing, Wise Eldering, Death & Dying.