Welcome to the Village

Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2021


Was the TV show, The Prisoner a Cold War Sci-Fi thriller or just an advertisement for the world's greatest retirement community?

Photo by Tom Wheatley on Unsplash

Will you plan Your retirement or will it be planned for you?

The best way to keep anyone from reading an article is to center it around an obscure television reference that is only of interest to the author and half a dozen other elderly nerds. Not that I’ve ever let that stop me before.


The obscure television reference for this missive is the quirky 1967 British Sci-Fi/Cold War/psychological thriller called The Prisoner starring the real-life quirky actor, Patrick McGoohan. I first became acquainted with the show watching it as a child on our snowy television. I understood absolutely nothing about the plot but at the time I was intrigued with anything resembling the future. I still am interested in the future but for much more selfish reasons. The actual plot revolved around a spy, whose resignation from his agency was not accepted. He was gassed as he was packing for a more carefree future and when he woke up he found himself in the Village. There he was subjected to endless mind games and demands for information. McGoohan was the star, but The Village was the costar.

Who is number one?



Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator
Crow’s Feet

Hi my name is Alex, I am a recovering educator. After more than 30 years in the educational industrial complex, I’m now thinking inside a bigger box.