What Happened to Erector Sets, Plastic Armies, and Chemistry Sets?

The toys of the ‘60s kept us busy

Lee J. Bentch
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2024


An old viewmaster toy from the sixties.
Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

The toys of our past have been relegated to trash, boxes in the attic, or flea markets.

They were fun back in the ‘60s. I remember spending hours building intricate skyscrapers and farmhouses with an erector set.

Remember those?

Boxes full of multiple-shaped pieces of metal with holes for screws.

The more advanced kits let you build robots or cranes, some with little motors to create moving joints. Nowadays, they’ve been replaced with Legos.

The word erector has been taken over by the medical world, which has morphed the word to erectile, as in male sexual capabilities or disorders. That was something never discussed growing up in the ‘60s.

I have found a few instances of erector sets for sale. But my grandkids wouldn’t know what to do if I gave them one for Christmas. The problem is there is no USB port, multi-player communications, or any way to connect them to an Xbox.

So much for legacy fun and doing things with your hands.

I asked my teenage grandson if he did anything useful with his hands. He responded that he managed to move…



Lee J. Bentch
Crow’s Feet

I am an author, a technology guy, a grandad, a widower, and a man with many interests. I write to inform and entertain. Email: