What I Learned About Retirement From Watching My Parents

I’ve walked a mile in their shoes

John Egelkrout
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Nqobile Vundla on Unsplash

If there is one thing people who are considering retirement wring their hands over, it is what they will do with their days and what the quality of their life will be like. I know these feelings firsthand from the months leading up to my own retirement last May.

It’s guesswork at best trying to peer into the future. You can go over your finances until the cows come home, but there are twists and turns in that financial road that cannot always be anticipated. You can daydream, make plans, and fantasize about how great it will be not to have to go to work anymore, but you won’t really know what it will feel like until that day arrives.

You can only plan so much.

Your curiosity might lead you to talk to others who have already retired to get the “inside scoop.” There are books, workshops, and websites devoted to telling you how to make the most of this chapter of your life. In the end, however, it is your life and only you can steer your ship in the direction you want it to go as best you can.

Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash

My parents’ retirement



John Egelkrout
Crow’s Feet

I am a sanity-curious former teacher who works a small organic farm with my wife. I write about politics, social issues, memoirs, and a variety of other topics.