What the Heck is There Worth Saying About January Anyway?

This seventyish woman tried to think of ten things but only came up with eight

Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet


a January scene: snowy fields, trees in the background, a few scattered stalks of weeds covered in ice stick up in foreground
Photo by Vladimir Vishnyakov on Unsplash

I have always enjoyed celebrating each new month and season. I like to mark the start of something, maybe it’s just a small excuse to celebrate. Recently, I have been paying extra attention to the changing of the seasons because of a new writing project I’m involved with. So, writing about each month as it arrives has been a thing. But darned if I felt inspired to write about January.

I think it may have more to do with me and my current penchant to read the pile of books I’ve gathered for the long winter’s rest, take naps, and finish up the Christmas cookies. It’s probably not the fault of the month, itself. So, to be fair, I’m going to give it a shot. After all, January contains thirty-one of those days remaining to me, and I don’t want to risk missing them in a fog of blah-ness. So, I wonder, what can I say good about Januarys? I tried to think of ten things but only came up with eight.

What is special about January?

  1. January first is the start of January but also the start of the new year which makes it the Queen of Times to Start Things. And like the start of anything, it is a good excuse to begin something new — start…



Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet

I've got my fingers in way too many pots. Cook, writer, poet, reader, musician, therapist, dreamer, a transplant from New Jersey suburbs to a farm in Maine.