When a Person Retires, Does She Still Exist?

Is a person defined by their occupation?

Brenda Mahler
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2022


Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Growing up my identity shifted with my environment. I was a daughter, student, friend. Then I married and morphed into a wife, adult, mother. Now, at the age of 60, I am retired so I am . . . Well, still all the above, but someone new and undefined.

Currently, the word retiree labels me. A list of activities illustrates what I do, but somehow this list doesn’t define who I am; it simply outlines what I do. In society, labels provide people identities, and individuals are defined by what they accomplish, their occupations. My past responses when asked to introduce myself were easy to state and easy to understand.

“I am a college student.” This statement prompted further questions about future potential, “What is your major? When do you plan to graduate?”

The response, “I am a teacher,” caused heads to nod indicating respect. A dialogue occurred naturally by elaborating on the age and subject taught. Acquaintances asked insightful questions, often ending the conversation by congratulating and thanking me.

When I said, “I am a mother of two daughters,” and continued with stories describing their ages, activities, endeavors, and dreams, smiles were shared. A bond developed between others who experienced…



Brenda Mahler
Crow’s Feet

Real life person sharing real life stories. Writing about travel, dogs, and healthy lifestyles.