When You Can’t Decide What To Do

Take some deep breaths and head for the market

Janice Macdonald
Crow’s Feet
Published in
7 min readMar 4, 2024


Tomatoes for sale in a market
Saturday market, Gignac, France (all photos by author)

My mum liked to point out, over and over and over, that I didn’t think things through. It used to get on my nerves, no doubt why she did it, but she was right. This is how I ended up in the Cosy Cottage, which might more accurately have been described as Gloomy Cave.

It’s not that I don’t think, or wasn’t thinking then, I’m always thinking — just not always about practical matters. But having agreed to a year’s lease, I was faced with a very important practical matter: remain in the cave, or break the lease and look around for somewhere else to live.

Joe still had a few more days in France before he returned to the States so, after unsuccessfully searching online, we cased the village for rental signs on doors and windows. Finding nothing, we drove to the next village, and the next and then a few more — no luck anywhere.

We didn’t do any better with an immoblier (realtor) in one of the small towns we drove through. The two places he had for rent were out of my price range — one month’s rent being roughly equal to what I would pay for the entire year in Cosy Cottage. You get what you pay for never rang quite so true.



Janice Macdonald
Crow’s Feet

At 68, I started a new chapter in my life: I moved to France. Alone. It turned out to be quite the page-turner. Still is — even when age insists on a part.