Who Are You, And What Have You Done With My Face?

Let’s talk about our aging bodies

Barbara Andres
Crow’s Feet
Published in
7 min readMar 23, 2022


Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

It beats the alternative

As I dragged my unwilling body up the stairs to my office this morning, it occurred to me, not for the first time, I’m 60. I wonder if there’s an upside to 60, as opposed to, say, 50 or 70. Nah. Aside from, maybe, the milestone factor. Meaning, turning 60 marks my seventh decade on this earth. And all the baggage that goes with it.

At 60, I’m at an age young people call ancient and really old people call “just getting started.” I’m in that limbo between mid-life and “senior discount,” which is anywhere from 62 to 69, depending who you ask. My 70-year-old husband spent his 60s joking they moved the “Senior Discount” goal post every time he reached it. He swore it’s a mirage.

The thing is, while it’s lovely to be rewarded with a dollar or two off your movie ticket or 10 percent off your cruise just for surviving into your seventh decade, it’s depressing as hell that you’re in your seventh decade. But then, as they say, it beats the alternative.

Today Crow’s Feet published their third writing prompt.



Barbara Andres
Crow’s Feet

Muddling through, one story at a time. Grab a cup of tea, pull up a chair, and let’s get curious together.