Why I Still Have A Landline

A Boomer defends the indefensible

David Martin
Crow’s Feet
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2021


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

The first fifty times I heard “OK Boomer” I thought it was pretty funny. But now it definitely has lost its luster and grates on my nerves. I figure it’s now time to defend my generation from that most egregious of insults: “Why do you still have a landline?”

Sure, superficially it looks like an oldster having and paying for a landline is the stupidest, lamest thing in the world next to having a second fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Actually, when I think about it, a second fire extinguisher is not a bad idea in case the first one fails or it turns out to be a really big grease fire.

Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to write about. I wanted to let Gen X, Gen Z, Millennials and any other pre-Boomer generations know that there are some legitimate reasons to still have a landline.

First of all, what happens when some of your beloved cell towers come crashing down or get hit by lightning? Try phoning someone on your so-called smart phone then. Faster than you can say “No service” you’ll be knocking on some senior’s door asking to use their corded landline. Even when the power’s out, it still works.

Which brings me to my second reason for maintaining a landline: for any number of reasons, your cell phone service could go kaput. Now you’re…



David Martin
Crow’s Feet

Wordsmith, humorist and author of “Dare to be Average” on Amazon. Support Dave’s writing by joining Medium: https://daretobeaverage.medium.com/membership