Why Matthew Perry’s Cause of Death Is Important

Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Nick Sheerbart on Unsplash

The web of our life is a mingled yarn, good and ill together~William Shakespeare

On October 28th, Matthew Perry was found dead in a hot tub at his home in California. He was 54 years old. Early reports say he drowned. The official cause of death has not been announced.

Perry’s struggles with alcohol and prescription drugs have been well documented. He talked about those issues at length in his recent book, he seemed to have gotten those demons under control. I hope so.

Until this writing, there have been no news reports suggesting drugs or alcohol played a role in his death.

But, truth be told, everyone is wondering. Aren’t you? I am!


I have a bad habit of scrolling through Twitter, oops I mean X, as I have my morning coffee. Bad habit, I know. Regardless, I got a notification this morning that Alyssa Milano had something to say, here it is:

·I’m begging you…can we please let Matthew Perry rest in peace? It doesn’t matter how he died. What matters is how he lived. ~Alyssa Milano

I don’t follow Alyssa, yet X feels it is important that I know what she thinks. I guess that is one of the perks of being a big TV star. We all remember her in Who’s the Boss, Charmed, and Melrose Place

