Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Writers?

Who knows? But it’s a fun tool!

Cindy Shore Smith
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

I’ve recently discovered Open AI Playground, where you can ask a computer to write a poem or story and it appears within moments.

There is a lot of discussion about what this will do for the future of writing but most experts agree it will be a long time before software like this replaces the human art of writing.

Still, it’s free to play with this new technology and I had some fun with it.

I gave the AI these instructions:

“Write a poem about a publication called Crow’s Feet. Crow’s Feet publishes stories by older adults who want to help and inspire one another.”

This is what it returned seconds later:

Crow’s Feet

Stories by older adults
For older adults
To help and inspire one another

We’re not too old to learn
Or to teach
We still have so much to give

Our stories are full of wisdom
And life experience
They can help others
To avoid making our mistakes

