You’ll Know When it’s Time to Retire. The Universe Will Tell You.

CJ James
Crow’s Feet
Published in
8 min readOct 11, 2022


Crow’s Feet Writing Prompt #18: Major Changes in Your Life

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

“We all think we’ll choose when to retire. But, the universe in general, and clients in particular, have this funny way of letting you know when they think it’s time for you to retire,” said the head of my department at my law firm.

We were sitting in some hotel bar, traveling on business, discussing one of our older colleagues who was well past retirement age and whose practice had more or less melted down over the last few years. Yet, he fought tooth and nail against retirement.

While we both felt like he was intentionally ignoring all sorts of signs from the Universe that it was time to go, I was pretty much at the top of my professional game at that stage.

I was in my early 50s and in good health. I was a partner in a large, international law firm. I’d built a great practice in a part of the profession I’d always loved (intellectual property and high-stakes business litigation). I worked for innovative, successful companies on some of their more important matters.

Yet, within three years of that conversation, my health was a mess, I was chronically fatigued and borderline depressed, with my practice in tatters. I found myself closing the door on my career and walking…



CJ James
Crow’s Feet

Recovering lawyer, currently putting a “hard pause” on the profession to explore more of what the second half of life has to offer.