Getting better with Cortex

Julien Tanay
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2019

Welcome, stranger !

You are reading the very first Cortex post on Medium. Congratulations ! ✨

Cortex is a new way to improve your skills while you play (competitive) video games. How ? By tracking your performances during games. In a few words, it is a desktop app that sits next to your games and records some nice performances metrics, gathered in your personal Dashboard.

Our goal : Create an app every gamer can use to measure their in-game performances in real time.

Your dashboard is where Cortex shows you every metric it gathers.

Clicks-per-minute, mouse speed or mouse-traveled kilometers : We wish we could use those data and many others to create the most complete gamer profile. Once you recorded your session, you can easily share your results on social networks, or share it with your mates.

Easy as 1–2–3 🎶

Want to give it a try ? Download Cortex, launch it before you start to play and that’s it ! Every move is recorded and computed in real time by the app.

Cortex is still in beta and we work hard to make it better with every release. “We” is an awesome army of two, Cécile and Julien, living and working in Paris, France ! Head over our Discord server if you have any questions !



Julien Tanay
Editor for

Engineering Manager @Doctolib. Former @Dior, @CanalPlus. Esport enthusiast. Music lover.