Release Notes v0.3.1

Julien Tanay
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2019

Hi everyone !

Last weeks, we were busy tackling some low-level tasks on the app, like managing configuration in a better way, fixing some recurring bugs or automating our new release deployment (I’ll talk about that in a more tech-focused blog post soon). We finally had some time to ship cool features and wanted to share some insights with you !

Tray Icon support

Windows and Mac users will discover a brand new Cortex icon in there status bar ! It now allows you to start or stop a session without displaying the whole app. This was a long awaited feature — please tell us what you think here or on Discord !

Look at that tiny icon !

Launch app on startup

This feature comes directly from one of our backers — Pikpik ! During the early beta days, he asked us if Cortex could be able to start with its system, allowing him to quickly start a session when he wanted to. We are proud to add this feature in this release, as with every feature suggested by our community. To all our beta testers : Thanks again for the kind words and advices! Cortex is your application too, and every day we build it with you, your feedback and your support.

“Launch app on startup” is now an available option !

Hey, listen! We recently stopped to actively support our Linux builds as we have only a few, barely active Linux users (and as we have only one super-develop the app!).
Are you a Linux user ? We need your help to test some new feature and make sure everyone gets the same Cortex experience on every platform. Come and say hello on Discord !

Ready to try Cortex ? Follow this link !

Until next time !



Julien Tanay
Editor for

Engineering Manager @Doctolib. Former @Dior, @CanalPlus. Esport enthusiast. Music lover.