Legend of the Crucible

The legend that inspired the creation of the CRUCIBLE DAO

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4 min readAug 7, 2022



It is the year 320, and Zosimos, the master Alchemist, watches Theosebeia, his apprentice, as she tends the flames under the crucible in his Oikos at Panopolis that overlooks the mighty river Nile. Unbeknownst to her, today the apprentice becomes the Alchemist.

The sun has just started to set, and as they have done for years on end, the Alchemist and the apprentice sit down for supper before the burning flames. Zosimos lays down the Cheirokmeta, looks up at Theosebeia and says:

“Theosebeia, we have toiled day and night for 23 years. The Cheirokmeta has come as far as I can take it. This book has every wheat seed of alchemy, every wheat seed of our work. Today I pass it on. Today is the day you become the Alchemist”.

Thanatos, the god of death, then lay his claim on Zosimos. Theosebeia is overtaken by an unparalleled onslaught of paradoxical emotions: sadness and happiness. Zosimos’ last words urge her not to be overcome with grief:

“Theosebeia, remember that the last chapter of the Cheirokmeta is still to be written. My time has come to an end; now it is up to you. Complete the book, guard it with your life, and cherish it like your child”.

The Last Chapter

The last chapter of the Cheirokmeta had long evaded and bothered Zosimos. He knew two very fundamental truths: the elements will always exist, and the recipes will be passed down from generation-to-generation. Without the right crucible, however, the elements are inert, the recipes just words, and nothing new can be created — neither potions nor elixirs.

Zosimos had perfected his crucible, the Crucible, but he never managed to make another. Theosebeia knew that without the Crucible, there could be neither alchemy nor alchemists.

Theosebeia now the Alchemist spent the rest of her life trying to build another crucible and figure out the ingredients and methods with which and through which Zosimos built the Crucible. The last chapter was never written and the Crucible remained the only crucible.

The Last Alchemist

Legend says that the Crucible was passed on from Alchemist to Alchemist for 900 years until the last of the Alchemists, Artephius, passed away in the year 1150 without having trained an apprentice.

The whereabouts of the Cheirokmeta and the Crucible remained a mystery that many attempted to solve for 818 years. But no crucible could withstand the heat. Without the Crucible, there could be neither potions nor elixirs.

What is Fraud? What is Real?

In the days following Artephius’ death, many claimed that the secrets of the Crucible had been revealed to them. But the world continued with neither potions nor elixirs.

Zosimos had built the Crucible with elements gathered from far-flung regions of the world. No two elements were the same, yet they were easy to fake, and the crucible had to be entirely real. Any element that was faked would break the crucible’s zeal for an elixir.

The Chain

In the year 2008, much has changed in the world since the days of Zosimos, Theosebeia, Artephius, and all the Alchemists in between. Alchemy is long forgotten, and the Crucible thought to have forever disappeared. That is until a chain, the Chain, is revealed.

The Chain has a unique power: it can distinguish between fraud and real. The presence of a faked element causes the chain to disappear. But, if all the elements in the Chain were real, the Chain would be eternally sealed and the world able to tell what is real.

Master of the Chain

The master of the Chain shall forevermore be called Satoshi lest his true identity be revealed. The Chain requires neither name nor identity for its power to be unleashed..

Satoshi knew that the Chain was the missing link to forging a crucible. Unlike those who sought to solve the mystery, he did not search for elements; he looked for a method to authenticate.

A Message from Satoshi

Satoshi provided the tool that the seekers and the alchemists need to re-build the Crucible. This time, the Crucible shall not disappear for it shall not be owned by anyone, no Alchemist, or you, or me.

Satoshi sought to not only build the Crucible, but to also leave a message for all the alchemists yet to come:

“There’s More Work to Do”.

Satoshi Disappears

In the years that followed, Satoshi disappeared, but the Chain remained. Indeed, so many focused on the power of the Chain that the Crucible, was forgotten. The Chain was used a great deal, but never to forge a Crucible or find an elixir.

Humanity forgot about Satoshi’s last message, and in our darkest days could find neither potion nor elixir that could heal. For that, we need a Crucible.

The Crucible

Year 2022, rumors have it that a Chain has appeared linking all the real building blocks (elements) for a Crucible to be engineered. The Crucible shall be reconstructed, and in it the alchemists shall concoct new potions and elixirs.

The Crucible shall be revealed at the Crucible: Blockchain Beyond the Hype.

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CRUCIBLE is a community driven investment organization (DAO) investing in blockchain projects that solve real world problems.