What We’re Up To — An Exciting Update!

Crumbs Team
Crumbs Corner
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018

What we’re up to now that we’re live in the app store, have our first 1k users, and are leading up to our big launch! 🚀

We hit our first 1k users! 🎉

Last week, we shared big news when we announced our public beta and that the Crumbs App is now live on the App Store in iTunes.

With our big announcement, we had nearly 1k people download Crumbs App and also received some amazing feedback and reviews.

Just one of the 25+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐reviews on the app store!

Not only did we get a ton of support from our early adopters, but we also had some of the most credible crypto sources (Token Daily) and newsletters (Token Economy) share more about us and share in the excitement about our big news.

Mention in Token Economy 🙌

With our first 1k users, we also received tons of valuable feedback. We’re listening to everyone and are excited to share the following updates:

  • We’re heads down in development and testing of Crumbs App for Android. We don’t have an exact date that this will be live, but it should be in the next few weeks.
  • We’ve received a ton of comments about having one of the largest portfolio selections for crypto assets. We’re very proud of this and allowing users to actively invest roundups into ten crypto assets (MTL, BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, EOS, LTC, XLM, XMR, DASH, ETC, ZEC, REP). We’ll be adding more, but these are the crypto assets you can currently invest your roundups into, place recurring buys, and cash out of.
  • You’ll notice that the current version of Crumbs App has a different design then our website. The new website reflects our shared branding with Metal. Crumbs App will also receive a similar design and branding refresh in the near future. This will also ship with some features and improvements that have been requested.

We are open to all feedback, are active on Twitter, and will be responding to your feedback, comments, and tweets. We’re also trying to be transparent and share as much as possible so our community can stay up-to-date with everything Crumbs App.

Thank you everyone for all of your enthusiasm, support, and feedback over the past few months. We are humbled by the opportunity to make investing in crypto assets accessible to everyone.


-The Crumbs App Team (@Crumbsappio)

PS: We have more updates and big news coming next week! 😉

