Crunchyroll Announces Collaboration with the Technical University of Moldova

Authored By Victor Timotin

3 min readAug 13, 2020


Engineering is fundamental to what our company, and specifically our office in Moldova does and we are very passionate about it. It is important to us. It’s for the community, by the community. Our partnership with the Technical University of Moldova started long before we started our official partnership and goes way beyond an agreement on paper.

It started with the first event-planning discussion with students who wanted something more — more knowledge, more opportunities for their peers and more experiences to advance in their desired careers.

In the last three years, we supported many student initiatives and decided it would be more fruitful to have an official partnership. That translated into Crunchyroll supporting more key initiatives, conferences, meetups, seminars, and beyond.

“Crunchyroll provides essential support to the FCIM through internships, mentoring, guest professors within the company, and sponsorship of student events. We have established a wonderful collaboration. A year ago, Crunchyroll (formerly Ellation) was awarded the best employer of 2019. Thanks to them, we can provide technical and financial support in the reconceptualization of 150 m2 of classroom space for freshmen. Donations will be used not only for modern, ergonomic furniture but also for technological and design solutions. We want the study spaces within FCIM to be friendlier and accessible,” — Dean Dumitru CIORBĂ of FCIM

Discussions were initiated regarding the four classrooms within the FCIM facility. The plan is to create a functional and modern space for the students. We aim to give them the capacity to study well and experience a real-world environment. There are many opportunities to improve the learning experience for the students, and we’re here to help.

Viorel Bostan, Elena Ivanova

”Dedicated to first-year students, the classrooms of FCIM have been completely renovated. A modern ventilation system was installed at great expense so the space will correspond to the expectations of future IT specialists,” said Dinu Țurcanu, vice-rector for computerization and the relationships with the socio-economic environment

”This is our biggest project so far, and we are looking forward to more in the future. Our partnership will evolve as much as our partner wants and our capabilities allow,” said Elena Ivanova, Sr. HRBP and Managing Director of Crunchyroll.

The Technical University of Moldova team takes care of many graduates who will become our future colleagues. The number of students today exceeds 9,500.

Our team believes that we can achieve more together. We are proud to move forward and have a closer relationship with the Technical University of Moldova.

We want to send our appreciation and say thank you for the opportunity.

L-R Dinu Țurcanu, Elena Ivanova, Viorel Bostan, Dumitru Ciorbă

