Crunchyroll - Moldova: Kicking off the Education Online Project in 6 weeks!

Authored By Victor Timotin

3 min readJun 12, 2020


In the 21st century, education must prepare people for life and can face new and unexpected challenges.” Michelle Iliev (Founder, Edu Tolk)

Two months ago, Michelle Iliev shared important ideas that you can see below:

Who would have guessed her words were a prediction of today’s reality?

The changes people have experienced over the past few months have required significant adaptability from professionals in every field. Everyone has been forced to implement radical transformations to make it possible to work and learn from home.

The educational system in Moldova needed to lead by example and make notable changes. Over the course of a few weeks, all educational materials for public schools — from high schools to higher education programs — were reformatted for online access across Moldova’s education institutions.

Great difficulties lead to great opportunities. Overcoming this current obstacle was crucial for our local community. That’s why Crunchyroll and our partners began gathering resources to make online education possible.

It took just six weeks to launch the first stage of the Education Online project thanks to our hardworking and visionary partners:

EduTolk, Daikiri Studio, Primăria Municipiului Chișinău, Ministerul Educației, Culturii și Cercetării al Republicii Moldova, Fundatia Soros-Moldova, UTM — Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, ATIC, AISE.

We especially want to highlight our partners Edu Tolk and Daikiri Studio. We are extremely grateful that they took this initiative and assumed responsibility for the management and technical filming process of the online content.

Please meet the team that made all of this possible:

  • Michelle Iliev — the founder of EduTolk and the heart of all initiatives
  • Cătălina Țurcanu — tutorial master of Open Education Resources
  • Kirill Karpaliuc and Dan Adauge — the eagle eyes responsible for content creation & editing, as well as making everybody look their best on camera
  • Vasile Schidu — the creative guru who can animate anything, responsible for all design assets

A separate call out is in order to all of our colleagues who volunteered to edit and upload tutorial content to the platform.

Here are the numbers:

  • 2,000+ lessons in 15 disciplines
  • 150+ teachers who took part in the filming
  • 331,000+ students who will have access to online resources, including 9,874 students with disabilities for whom regular learning was challenging

A massive thank you to the devoted and passionate teams who made this project possible and have continued doing this hard, necessary work throughout the quarantine period.

This is only the first element of the project. Moving forward, the goal is to expand the content for the entire education year. The Crunchyroll team will continue to support future educational projects in partnership with other stakeholders. We hope to inspire everyone to initiate meaningful changes, regardless of the circumstances around you!

Follow @EduTolk and @EducatieOnline to get all updates and news regarding this project.

