Ellation Moldova: 2019 Holiday Activities

Every Holiday Season is an additional inspiration for activities we can do for the community, for our colleagues, and for the people who surround us and are in need.

3 min readJan 31, 2020


By Alina Metreniuc & Victor Timotin

The 2019Holiday Season at Ellation in Moldova was full of important festivities. Our office hosted numerous activities, and I’m excited to share my experience to help remind us of why we participate in so many special activities.

We started our holiday activities with some very enjoyable events:

  • At the beginning of December, we had the opportunity to visit the Educational Center for Kids suffering from Leukemia. By bringing them some holiday spirit and presents, we were able to make a noticeable impact on their days — it was special being able to make them smile and allow them to forget about their illnesses for a little while.
  • Design Christmas Ferry was one of the coziest events for the local Design Community in Moldova, and was hosted in a nearby coffee shop. It was a time for all the participants to gather, mingle, and celebrate the spirit of Christmas, as well as sharing their thoughts about things like “Design in 2020: what will it look and feel like in the next year? There were so many talented designers from many different companies.
  • For half of December, our Moldova office was full of presents and we were often visited by “Santa’s Elves” — Moldova Project’s Volunteers, who packed gifts for kids from socially vulnerable families around Moldova. We’re grateful to have had the opportunity to partake in this project and help them bring joy &holiday spirit to kids in need.
  • Another important event we partook in with all our colleagues was the “Ellation Kids’ Party.” There is nothing more beautiful than making a child smile! When Ellation Moldova hosts parties for their Kids and Families, everything in the office moves differently and feels brighter!
  • One of the most memorable internal events is an annual New Years Party. This year with the great topic — “Folk-Rock Party”which celebrated our favorite kinds of music along with many of our national traditions. This party was a great ending of 2019 for the whole team in Moldova. “Work hard — Party hard” — that what the team did!
  • The most perfect present for the end of the year was to get the title of 2019’s Top Employer of the Year in Moldova! We strive to develop and improve each year and to create the best atmosphere to work in for all our coworkers! We are so much stronger when our team is happy and feels comfortable and safe. Thank you to all of the team in Moldova — you all contribute so much to making our company better!

2019 was full of so many different events and activities with our team. Through each event, conference, meet up, and Anime Night we strive to support our local tech community, help with the development of STEM education in Moldova, and give back to our society while super-serving our fans worldwide!

